Introduction and Interaction/Technology

In the living room, under the crowd, James steps forward, proud, with BizzCardz, his powerful ally, in hand. As soon as he arrives, he plunges into the whirlwind of exchanges, each card scan enriching his network, capturing without fail, even off the air. Thanks to the artificial intelligence of BizzCardz 2.0, each scan instantly transforms into a digitized contact in its directory, thus avoiding any manual entry. And even without Internet access, the application works perfectly, storing all data locally until a connection is available.

James is impressed by the efficiency of this technology which allows him to stay focused on interactions, rather than administrative management. While browsing the application, he discovers a valuable feature: for each scanned card, BizzCardz 2.0 offers him detailed information on the corresponding companies, even offline.

The “living room” function detects nearby participants and quickly becomes its favorite feature. James can see the profiles of other participants around him, facilitating timely introductions and targeted exchanges. He maximizes his time by connecting with relevant contacts, rather than randomly browsing through crowds.

Another innovative feature of BizzCardz 2.0 catches his attention: the ability to see in real time the contacts scanned by colleagues also present at the show, even in offline mode. This collaborative feature allows James and his team to synchronize their networking efforts, ensuring complete coverage of the event.

Forget about cards lost in the whirlwind of trade shows
Harmonize volatile teams, even in mid-flight
Eliminate input redundancy, even at 30,000 feet
Bizzcardz Solution
James’s enthusiasm: The evidence of Bizzcardz
And in practice?
A Concrete Solution

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If you have a grand business or a private structure, BizzCard is a great adaption to the situation. Don’t wait until the rendezvous with our team. Nous nous ferons un plaisir de vous accompagner